Watch this 6-minute directions video below, 8 min Patch Overview video + read below to see where to place each patch. You’ll get a few emails, from Lifewave, San Diego, but this is one to keep!
Add in Glutathione every other day (on the 2nd week). Make sure on the 3rd week to start wearing glutathione EVERY day, until you run out!
Wear EVERYDAY for faster results! Mentally plan to wear the patches for 6 months minimum, for deep healing. Most clients stay on X39 continuously, after the first 3 month package.
WATER: Make sure to Drink lots of WATER on the patch…because dead tissue & toxins will accumulate if you don’t flush them out. You can’t regenerate as many stem cells if you are semi-dehydrated! (think 1/2 your body weight, in ounces of water. So if 150 lbs, drinks at least 75 ounces of water/day). Extra water if you drink caffeine, alcohol, or in hot temps/sweating.
- Add minerals to your water: 1 granular of Celtic sea salt: course or fine (has minerals) to a glass of water (or to your tongue before drinking a glass of water), or add lemon or a cucumber to your water. Why add minerals? Watch 1 min video here
Try to eat foods rich in good COPPER (look Here ps-Beef Live is the highest with 12 mg/3 oz.) or check your copper levels, in a blood test: because Copper is CRUCIAL in the body to activate more stem cells with the patch because the patch is proven to increase GHK, & then it bonds in the body with good copper in the body.
*MARK YOUR CALENDAR: As part of the wholesale (lower) pricing, you automatically set up a subscription order: just X39 for $99/mo to activate your stem cells, The Subscription is automatic when ordering to get the wholesale pricing, but DON’T WORRY, you can stop the subscription, change the date, or add/subtract extra patches to your subscription at anytime. To change your subscription date or patches: Watch the (1 min) video here:
Problems, call Lifewave # at 866-202-0065
Questions to:
Health Tracker: HERE
Patch Placement Information is here!
If you tried Icewave in different locations (watched video) & you are NOT noticing an IMMEDIATE difference in pain, please call me ASAP!
The most important thing is to get the patches ON your body everyday…ANYWHERE! (if in a hurry, put them ALL near your pain /issue spot, on your spine, or below your belly button.)
TIPS ON EACH PATCH: 12 hrs on & 12 hrs off. New patch each day.
X39: (stem cell activation in body) Day time. Put on the Top of the spine or in problem area.
MD explains X39:
X49: (Stem cell activation in muscles & bones. Gain muscle, lose fat %) Day time
Aeon: (reduces inflammation & cortisol) Day or night
- What Aeon does:
- If you have PROBLEM SPOT (heart issues, acid reflux, GI issues), PAIN, WOUND, Joint issues, then, wear Aeon very NEAR the Problem/Pain.
- If you are wearing icewave too, then find a good location for both icewave patches first, then put on Aeon next.
- You can wear Aeon at night to de-stress (it reduces cortisol & inflammation). Put it on your problem location.
If you wear Icewave in the day, then I’d wear Aeon at night or vice versa.
Glutathione: (detox & organ function) Day
- What Glutathione does:
- Wait to start Glutathione. Start it 7 days AFTER the other patches. Start with every OTHER day for 1 wk. after 1 week, use it every day along w/ X39 & Aeon)
- Super important to drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces, when detoxing with this patch.
- Read below about possible/rare detox effects & what to do
If you have a PROBLEM SPOT, PAIN, WOUND, or Joint issue, then, wear Aeon, Glutathione & X39 very NEAR the PAIN. If you are wearing icewave, then find a good location for both icewave patches first, then put the others on.
If knee, leg, or elbow pain: Wear Glutathione on the outside of the knee/elbow/leg & Aeon on the inside of the knee/leg/elbow) or vice versa.
Carnosine: (neurological system, cognitive) Must be worn during the Day.
Alavida: (skin/collagen) Night time Patch
Also, Use Alavida Eye Cream (with GHK Copper Peptide inside) on your entire face & neck. Put it on box AM & PM for faster results.
Silent Nights: Night/Bedtime only
- Benefits? Watch:
- Put on 30 minutes before you want to sleep
- Only wear it when you want to be sleeping. Take it off when you are ready to get up for the day, so you’ll wear it for less than 12 hours.
- Silent nights, for the sleep patch, try it on the top of your foot first, then forehead the next night (see link). Try different acupressure points each night (there are 5 location choices on the link above), to see if one works better for you.
Most clients see improvements begin in week 1 and get better & better during the first month. If you wear silent nights every night for 2-3 weeks and see no improvements, call me or Lifewave # 866-202-0065.
SP6: (Decreases food & sugar cravings) Day time only
- SP6 (to help curb cravings) it is worn on the LEFT leg/ankle (different from every other patch that is midline or right)
- If it doesn’t work on day 1, Try it in a different location (see link above) the next day. There are 3 possible locations.
WATCH 1 min video for locations:
Energy: (Energy & fat burning) Must be worn during the day. Put on first thing in the morning.
- Take Energy off a couple of hours before bedtime, if you have sleep issues.
- it’s 2 patch system; one on each side of the body. White on the right side. Brown on the left side. 15 sets in a pack, so you use 2 packs/mo.
- If it doesn’t work on day 1, Try it in a different location (see link above) the next day. There are 5 different locations.
- WATCH 1 min Energy video:
This isn’t like those pills that raise your heart rate. Most people do NOT notice a “surge of energy”, but they notice that they could work out better/harder, get more done, did more that day without being so tired, less caffeine needed, etc
Icewave: (Pain blocker) Day or night
- is a 2-patch system too, and goes wherever the pain is.) How does it work? Watch:
- WATCH short Icewave direction videos:
- Icewave clock method (watch this FIRST):
- How to use Icewave on headaches & for full body pain:
If in Pain & using Icewave patches:
- Remember Icewave is blocking the pain immediately (when you find the right spot) & temporarily, but it is NOT healing anything. To heal, you need to wear X39, Aeon & Glutathione near the pain location!
- Only use them when you are experiencing pain. You’ll have to try a few/many different spots to see which location provides the best relief.
- For Icewave, it’s a 2-patch system. Wear both Brown & white patches at the same time.
- Put the brown patch on the most painful spot (that is now the center of the “clock”) &
- the white within 2 inches.
- Peel off only 1/2 the backing of the adhesive on both patches. If you don’t feel results in 30 seconds, move the white patch to a different spot around the clock (3 o’clock, 6 o’clock, 9 o’clock), and keep moving till you feel some major relief.
- Second, you can also try the sandwich method. Put the patches on either side of the pain. Brown on the left side of the pain; white on the right side of the pain.
- When you find a good spot, you can pull the other 1/2 of the patch backing off (so it’s completely on). (wear these 12 hrs on, take off/trash, so you have 12 hrs off too)
- During the 12 hours, all patches slowly lose effectiveness, so sometimes the pain comes back at the end of the 12 hours. Sometimes you take off the patches and the pain comes immediately back, or sometimes it takes a day or 2, for the pain to come back. To heal, you need X39, Aeon & Glutathione patches
- The first day they might not stick as well, b/c you did a lot of trial & error, so they are less sticky. You can use any kind of tape to help keep them on.
VIDEOS: Learn what the X39 Stem Cell patch does:
- Watch & Subscribe to patch videos:
- 8 Min overview of patch benefits & clinical studies by Scientist:
- What do Drs & MD’s say:
- Dr. Goggins MD (2 min video):
- Dr. Don MD (8 min):
- Why wear Aeon & Glutathione with X39?
- Dr. Staci & Dr. Pierce explain all 3 (5 mins).